Trinity Sunday

Genesis 1:1-4, John 1:1-4

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday.  While Trinity is a foundational theological concept, the purpose of this day is not to rehearse the theology of the Trinity.  The passages highlighting the Trinity show us the relationship that is within the Godhead.  In creation we see God creating heaven and earth, but there was a void or chaos.  Even though it is chaos, does not mean God is not there, and the Spirit of God is moving across the water.  Then God speaks, uses the Logos (the Word) and the creation becomes organized, differentiated, and a world that is fit for human kind. 

The Gospel of John tells us that this Word, without which nothing could be made, is the One that was made flesh and dwelt among us, the one that gives light to each person that comes into this world.  The Second Person of the Trinity, the Son is the Word made flesh to dwell among us. 

The Trinity is not mechanical, with each person fulfilling a function.  The Triune God is a relationship, and the members of the Godhead active in the work of creation.  The Triune God is also in redemption.  The Father sends the Son to be the sacrifice for our sins; but since the Son is God, the Father and the Spirit are also being sacrificed. 

Yes, we should seek to be familiar with the theology of the Trinity.  But the Triune God is not just an academic pursuit.  The Triune God is the basis of our relationship as children of God redeemed through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Pastor Greg

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Twinsburg First Congregational Church