Luke 16
Our text this week is the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31.) But instead of simply approaching this as a stand-alone parable, let us consider the greater context. The first parable, the Dishonest Manager concludes, “You cannot serve God and wealth. (v 13.)” So, the Pharisees are sneering at Jesus’ call to be generous and responsible stewards of the resources God gives. It is obvious in Luke’s comment about their motivation, that the Pharisees think that our possessions or wealth are not a stewardship from God, but something they must protect and use for themselves.
We should realize in Jesus’s words on the nature of God’s kingdom should influence our values. Kingdom causes call us to renounce divided loyalties (vv. 10-13), to have idolatries revealed, since God hates them (vv. 14-15) and to raise standards of obedience to reflect total integrity (v. 18). Verses 16-17 make up the hinge, suggesting that the kingdom’s arrival means that Jesus’ preaching comes with authority. His way will fulfill what the law and the promise anticipated. The passage ends up being yet another rebuke of the Pharisees. Their way is not the way to God. It is kingdom preaching that transforms people, not the way of these leaders.
When one’s fulfillment in life is wealth, our attention is drawn away from what is important, and we often overlook what is right before us (or at our gate.) Desire for wealth is all consuming, it causes us to ignore the fact that tomorrow may not be like today. This is true for the rich man. When he wakes on tomorrow, he is in hades suffering in torment. He has ignored Moses and the prophets; he has not prepared for that day.
How easy it is for us to substitute today’s concerns, goals, plans, and pleasures for the space God’s word needs to occupy. Jesus does not say wealth is bad, nor enjoying life if bad, but he does say ignoring God and his Kingdom does have consequences. In Lent, let us make sure we are establishing daily time to our responsibilities to the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Greg