The Lives of the Kings of Israel In June and July the sermons will be on “The Kings of the Israel.” The theme is triumph and tragedy that we face in our lives. Saul, David, and Solomon had to face very real tests if they would be obedient to God. When the King obeyed …
Tag: Twinsburg
May 23
A Simple Contrast
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,so that everyone who believes in him may not perishbut may have eternal life.John 3:16 This Memorial Day weekend, as we remember those that have died for our country praying for those with the empty seat at the picnic table, let us …
May 16
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
(Romans 14:17) During the Season of Easter, I have been using the theme of joy in my articles. As I’ve been thinking about Joy during this time, I’ve realized that most Christians simply forego the life of joy that God gives to us. Simply we get caught up in other things. In the …
May 09
The Great Joy of Motherhood
When a woman is about to give birth, she is in great pain.But after it is all over, she forgets the pain and is happy,because she has brought a child into the world. (John 16:21) Jesus says this in the Upper Room on the night he has betrayed. He is talking about how our experience …