Category: kINGS

Three Wishes Solomon’s Prayers

When we think of the biblical character King Solomon we think of his wisdom, the books of Proverbs or Ecclesiastes or Song of Solomon, even the visit from the Queen of Sheba.  The next two Sundays we will consider Solomon’s prayers.  Each prayer gives insight on the nature of God.  The history in Samuel and …

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How Has The Truth of God Changed you?

2 Kings 22:1-20; 23:1-3  Josiah was the “boy-king,” becoming king of Judah when he was 8 years-old.  When he was 18, he undertook a restoration project in the Temple.  As they were cleaning out the rooms for restoration, they found a book.  It was the book of the Law of the Lord (many commentators think …

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Putting God to the Test

1 Kings 18:17-39 When you see the title, you might think of the words of Jesus in Matthew 4:7—“Again it is written, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’ ”  What Jesus said was in the temptations by Satan and Jesus being dared to presume upon God.  Putting God to the test …

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Who is Greatest in the Kingdom?

1 Kings 12:1-17, 25-29 The topic of our conversations, often in sports, is who is the greatest player today and of all times.  G.O.A.T. is the question we often speculate upon.  That is also a theme in the Bible, and as often is the case, the Bible’s view of a topic is often the opposite …

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