Tag: First Congregational Church

The Never Ending Story

Matthew 28:16-20 When we come to the end of most stories we hear a “The End.” Matthew makes sure you realize that this is not the end. It is the last few verses of his Gospel, but the story, the work of Christ, and Christ’s interaction with people does not end with the Gospel. Matthew makes sure we …

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Is the Tomb that important?

  Matthew 28:1-10 As I look at Matthew’s recounting of the story of Resurrection morning, I am interested in the references to place.  The women—the two Mary’s—came to the tomb where they had laid Jesus. As they approached, there was an earthquake seemingly caused by an angel that also rolled back the stone that covered …

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Why was Jesus mad in the Temple?

Matthew 21:1-17 This week is Palm Sunday.  Often we are caught up in the children waving palm fronds, the singing and praises that welcome Jesus into Jerusalem on the first day of Holy Week.  He goes into the Temple to cleanse it.  Though many Christians are confused about that, we kind-of agree that what the …

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When Did I see You, Jesus?

Matthew 25:31-46 These verses conclude Jesus’ public teaching in the Gospel of Matthew.  In some ways it is showing us what is about to happen.  On his way to the cross Jesus is thirsty, he is stripped and his clothes, and he was afflicted and no one offered him compassion.  His word of judgment will …

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Watch for closings and delay messages
during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church