How Has The Truth of God Changed you?

2 Kings 22:1-20; 23:1-3

Josiah was the “boy-king,” becoming king of Judah when he was 8 years-old.  When he was 18, he undertook a restoration project in the Temple.  As they were cleaning out the rooms for restoration, they found a book.  It was the book of the Law of the Lord (many commentators think it was the book of Deuteronomy.)  When this young man read the book given to him, he tore his clothes realizing that there was so much that was happening against the law of the Lord in Judah.
Josiah made a vow to follow the Word of the Lord, and he undertook a series of reforms to bring justice to his kingdom.  That made me think, how often do we simply ignore the Bible, that we call the Word of God.  We know that the Bible is not just a rule book that we can implement point by point.  It requires what the Psalmist described as “meditating in your law, day and night.” 
If we are a people seek justice and righteousness, then we have a standard, the Word of God.  The wisdom we need is not just for a casual reading of the Bible.  The way we gain wisdom is described by Proverbs as mining for silver or gold (Prov 2:3-5). 
A public reading of the Law of the Lord, changed the nation of Judah under Josiah, when was the last time it changed your life?

Pastor Greg

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Twinsburg First Congregational Church