Author's posts
Dec 14
Advent 3: Why Do We Say That Christmas Is a Time of Joy?
In Biblical terms, having joy means being happy about something good that has arrived or is coming. Like hope, it has a long-term view of life, emphasizing the good that will come. However, it has a component of great happiness, rejoicing at the good news. Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus with joy when Jesus said he would …
Dec 07
ADVENT 2: The Candle of Peace
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peaceamong those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14 The peace of the Christian life is from a relationship. Our relationship with God, through Jesus Christ is the basis of us having this peace. The angels announced peace on earth to the shepherds. There is a …
Nov 30
First Week of Advent: Hope
Advent Candle 1 stands for hope, and specifically, the Israelites’ hope that the promised Messiah would come. They had been waiting for the Messiah for centuries, wondering what he would look like and what he would do when he arrived. When Jesus was born, that hope was finally fulfilled – “a prophet like you” (Deuteronomy …
Nov 22
The New Covenant and Thanksgiving
Jeremiah 31:31-33 The prophecy from Jeremiah this week takes us to the Lord’s Supper. When Jesus said of the cup, “This is the new covenant in my blood.” When they finished the supper, they sang a hymn. We often don’t reflect on that, other than singing “Bless Be the Tie” when we finish Communion. Yet, …