Tag: Twinsburg

On Being Proud that I Sin Less

Luke 7:36-50 We have two characters in contrast in this week’s text.  One, referred in the gossipy way, “a sinful woman.”  The other a man named Simon who was a member to the sect of Pharisees.  Both wanted to see Jesus.  Simon invited Jesus to his house for dinner.  The unnamed woman snuck in uninvited.  …

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Rules, Rules, Rules

Luke 6:1-11 This past week I was listening to a TV commentator that often refers to his Christian faith, and he said that Christianity is a “rules-based religion.” He used the Ten Commandments to support his assertion.Was he right or was he wrong? In Luke 6:1-11, Jesus is accused of breaking the big rules, breaking …

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Jesus Brings Good News—To Them?

As I read this week’s text, I am taken back to a previous congregation. It was anolder congregation, living in the by-gone days before the town began its rapidincrease in minority population. We had a “mixed-race” couple that beganattending the church, and the African-American husband became one of ourushers, and served communion. The gossipers in …

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A Voice Crying Out

We meet John the Baptist in Luke 3:1-17; 22-23.  He is a voice.  A voice that calls for the crocked things to be made straight, and the obstacles that are placed in the way of human thriving to be removed.  His voice called for repentance that gets down to the foundations of how people choose …

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during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church