Tag: First Congregational Church

The Promise of Deliverance

Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8 The time between Exodus 1 and 12 is more than 80 years.  The people of Israel were groaning under the burden of their taskmasters.  Their cries were heard by God.  There was the hope in this special child that was taken from the Nile River by the princess.  But the slavery continued.  …

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Outlandish Promises

Genesis 15:1-6 We have a term, “Hedge your bets.”  This term means that we must have a contingency if our plans do not work out the way we would like.  God does not hedge his bets.  Instead of couching his promises in “if’s” and “probably’s,” God makes his promises in the most outlandish of promises. …

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The Snake and the Apple

Genesis 2:4-7, 15-17; 3:1-8 This Sunday we begin our preaching year. I enjoy the Narrative Lectionarybecause it pays attention to the development of God’s story in a chronologicalorder. With the theme “Promises, Promises” as we develop the Old Testamenttexts, we can see the attribute of God as the Promise-making and Promise-keeping God. And because we …

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Promises!  Promises!

  “(H)e has granted to us his precious and very great promises” (2 Peter 1:4)This fall, our theme for the church services will be “Promises!  Promises!” as we consider the stories of men and women in the Old Testament that were given the promises of God.  The purpose of these messages will be to help us …

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Watch for closings and delay messages
during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church