Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 6:4-9 Where do our laws come from? Some may read this passage from Deuteronomy and say Moses is the commander. Some have the idea that all law comes from the King or the State, so whatever it says is legal is right. But an honest reading of the Bible, we clearly see …
Tag: First Congregational Church
Sep 28
What’s in a Name?
Exodus 3:1-15 As Moses interacts with the Burning Bush, he asks, “What is your name?’ The voice of God answers, “I am who I am”. Many have translated this various ways such as “ I am what I am or I will be what I will be (NRSV footnote.) This is the God that does not allow description. A name defines something, such as Adam naming …
Sep 21
Jacob’s Crisis of Faith
Genesis 32 Genesis 32 is one of those chapters that I would enjoy having a four-week long discussion group take up. This is a very revealing passage on how each of us can struggle in our spiritual life. The story of Jacob includes miracles and visions. He saw the stairway between heaven and earth, he …
Sep 07
Welcome Back!!
Let the Real Church year begin!! As a Pastor, I have always seen September as the beginning of the church year. I know it is part of the general society when school begins, vacations end, summer is over that we all want to get back to the normal routine. Church needs to be a regular …