Important Dates

August, 1822Rev. John Seward of the Aurora Church and Rev. Wm. Hanford of Hudson Church arrived to help organize a church in Twinsburg as representatives of the Missionary Society of Connecticut.
April, 1828 Rev. Samuel Bissell of Aurora installed as our first pastor.
December, 1830 First Congregational Society of Twinsburg incorporated.
November, 1831 Dedication of meeting house on East side of Village Green.
November, 1848 Completion of present church building.
November, 1865 First parsonage and three acres of land donated by Mrs. Huldah Alling.
October, 1896 Town clock installed in Church, a donation by Mrs. Sarah M. Riley, widow of Lorenzo Riley.
March, 1921 Welcoming members of the former Twinsburg Methodist Church.
August, 1922 Centennial observance of church founding.
January, 1927 Completion of present parsonage.
September, 1940 Memorial pipe organ installed.
November, 1948 Centennial observance of present church building.
November, 1949 Tower Rebuilt.
February, 1950 Clock Electrified.
June, 1952 New Constitution adopted, effective January 1, 1953.
New electronic organ installed.
New front steps.1954 Addition to the church..
1963 Purchased the Culhan Property.
Remodeled the Sanctuary.August, 1997 175 year observation of the church founding.
October, 1998 150 year observation of the church building.
August, 2013 190 year observation of the church founding
March 2022 Selling of the Parsonage
August 2022 Bicentennial observance of church founding.

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during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church