
The Twinsburg First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, had it’s official beginning on August 23, 1822, in a little old log school on the square. Thirteen persons presented themselves for membership, were examined and approved and became the charter members of the First Congregational Church, sometimes known as the Presbyterian because of it’s connection with the Presbytery. Many of the early members brought letters of transfer from the Congregational Church of Killingsworth, Connecticut. The Church also acquired forty-seven members from the Methodist Church in Twinsburg, when it disbanded in 1921. Following this, it was the only Church in town for over 30 years; so the present membership is made up of persons coming from many denominations, bringing diversity of thought and background to be assimilated.

The present building, was dedicated in November, 1848. It is the classic New England style architecture, with it’s tall white spire and simple lines. Even the setting, (facing the city square), reminds one of churches still seen today in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

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during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church