Sunday School has started back up!!!
Children are encouraged to attend the Traditional Service. They will be a part of the service until time to head off to Sunday School. They help in the service by collecting the weekly offering. Once this is done, they have their “Children’s Sermon/Message” up front. After that they are escorted into the Education Wing where they have some more teachings and interaction time. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to church. Once the Traditional Service is over, parents should go retrieve their children from the Education Wing before going to Coffee hour.
Pub Theology
Pub Theology is an informal discussion/fellowship group that meets on the first Monday of the month. It takes place at Mavis Winkles starting at 5:30PM and goes till you leave.
Topics and discussions are brought up and talked through. There are no right or wrong answers or views. All are welcome to this group. A fun time is had by all.