Pastor Hogan

Author's posts

The Importance of the Body

And the Word became flesh and lived among us,  I think that we have become disconnected from the traditional Christian theology of the physical body.  Sometimes we think it is all bad, so we must deny anything our body wants.  That is asceticism.  Or we may swing the other way and feel we must satisfy …

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The Apocalypse and Advent

Mark 13:24–“But in those days, after that tribulation,the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light.”       I have been thinking a lot about how Advent is such a counter-cultural season.  In the traditional church year, Advent always begins with a verse like Mark 13:24.  The reason for that is justice is …

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The Harshness of Advent

“The stories of Advent are drug from the harsh soil of human struggle and the littered landscape of dashed dreams.  They are told from the vista of where sin still reigns supreme and hope has gone on vacation.  Many prefer the major notes of Joy and Gladness in the Christmas stories to the minor keys …

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The “Now What?” of Ministry

It is so easy to slip into a project-oriented mindset when it comes to ministry.  We have seen recently how the diligent work and planning of our members resulted in security improvement on the downstairs entries, the renovated sign in front of the church, and attractive banners welcoming our neighbors.  Yet, there is the challenge …

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