Author's posts
Feb 19
On Being Proud that I Sin Less
Luke 7:36-50 We have two characters in contrast in this week’s text. One, referred in the gossipy way, “a sinful woman.” The other a man named Simon who was a member to the sect of Pharisees. Both wanted to see Jesus. Simon invited Jesus to his house for dinner. The unnamed woman snuck in uninvited. …
Feb 19
On Being Proud that I Sin Less
Luke 7:36-50 We have two characters in contrast in this week’s text. One, referred in the gossipy way, “a sinful woman.” The other a man named Simon who was a member to the sect of Pharisees. Both wanted to see Jesus. Simon invited Jesus to his house for dinner. The unnamed woman snuck in uninvited. …
Jan 30
Rules, Rules, Rules
Luke 6:1-11 This past week I was listening to a TV commentator that often refers to his Christian faith, and he said that Christianity is a “rules-based religion.” He used the Ten Commandments to support his assertion.Was he right or was he wrong? In Luke 6:1-11, Jesus is accused of breaking the big rules, breaking …
Jan 17
Jesus Brings Good News—To Them?
As I read this week’s text, I am taken back to a previous congregation. It was anolder congregation, living in the by-gone days before the town began its rapidincrease in minority population. We had a “mixed-race” couple that beganattending the church, and the African-American husband became one of ourushers, and served communion. The gossipers in …