Luke 9:28-45
I listened to a British comedian discussing his conversion from hedonism to Christianity and he noted what he though about “church” before he was introduced to Jesus Christ. He noted that the American church has too much of a carnival atmosphere. I had to think about what he said. And I see what he means. American church is for the consumers, the media, and the “bang-for-the-buck.” Media is a helpful tool, but we must ask, “what are we driven by, or striving for.”
The Transfiguration of Jesus in our text this week is an impressive show, with a great accompanying cast, Moses and Elijah. It was so thrilling that the disciples wanted to camp out for the next showing. Until the Voice from Heaven centered the aim of the event on Jesus, the Beloved Son of God.
They returned to earth, and there were people in need of the Son of God clamoring for him. When the compassion of Jesus worked in their calamity, then they saw the glory of God. Maybe our emphasis it too much on the show, and not so much the compassion of Jesus. It is only when the compassion of Jesus works, and that is often through spiritual discipline, that the glory of God breaks out.
As we look ahead to Lent, beginning on Wednesday, let us take this story as our challenge to do what it takes to allow the compassion of Jesus to minister to people in the midst of their calamity. Then maybe, just maybe, they will not see us as impressive people, but see the glory of God.
Pastor Greg