When You Feel Inadequate

1 Samuel 1 & 2

Messages are being screamed at us every day.  Messages that we are inadequate, unworthy, and even unlovable.  These not-so-subtle messages affect our fundamental image of our self.  “What good am I?  Something’s wrong with me?  I don’t measure up?” 

The story of God’s salvation all nations picks up an old refrain in the beginning of 1 Samuel.  Additional dissonant cords are in this story of Hanna and her plight with childlessness.  Even though her husband constantly affirmed his love to her, her culture and even elements in her home were mocking her for not having a child. 

There are many ways people choose to face their inadequacies.  Drugs, alcohol, radical cosmetic surgery, even suicide are just a few examples.  When we dwell on our inadequacies we are unable to receive love because of the lie that we are unlovable. 

Hanna went to the right place, and laid out her distress before the Lord.  “She was deeply distressed and prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly.”  But she did not just wallow in her distress and anguish, she took on a purpose in her life.  She dedicated herself to doing the will of God and doing something vital for God.  Then Samuel was born, and through him David was anointed, and the Jesus Christ comes into the world. 

From our deepest despair can come hope.  Hope comes to us when we dedicate ourselves to doing the will of God and making the sacrifices that purpose calls us to do.  A sacrifice is giving up something of value today for a better tomorrow.  Hanna gave the sacrifice of her son, and from that comes the Messiah.  In despair, God brings hope; in distress and bitterness, God works to bring deliverance; and from our sacrifice, God blesses the entire world.

Pastor Greg