Promises!  Promises!

  “(H)e has granted to us his precious and very great promises” (2 Peter 1:4)
This fall, our theme for the church services will be “Promises!  Promises!” as we consider the stories of men and women in the Old Testament that were given the promises of God.  The purpose of these messages will be to help us grow in our trust and dependency of our God that makes precious promises to us.

One way to increase our trust is to exercise us in prayer.  I have provided each person a personal journal for us to use in this exercise.  Weekly I will distribute an aid that will include daily readings that promote the lesson text and some exercises for the development of our prayer lives.  Also, I want to encourage us to experiment with prayer.  We will try different types of prayer, approaches to prayer, and places of prayer.  I would like us to use creative efforts in this prayer emphasis.  But in all this, remember that prayer is just talking to God and listening to God.

 A copy of this week’s prayer sheet is on our website (link is on the left hand side column), and we will have a link on our Facebook page.  If you need it another way, I would be glad to get it to you.

I am excited about this adventure as a church body, and hope it develops a deeper experience for you in prayer.

Pastor Greg

Watch for closings and delay messages
during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church