Leadership in the Kingdom of God

“Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?”
He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.”
He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” (John 21:15)

There are many discussions, books, articles, and opinions on leadership in the church.  If I were to dig through my old books, I am sure I have a half dozen volumes on pastoral leadership and leadership in the church.  I have gained insights and inspiration from much of this material.  Yet, biblical leadership really comes down to a fundamental concept, an overarching image.  That is of a shepherd.

Jesus calls himself the “Good Shepherd” in the Gospels.  And show us that a good shepherd protects, cares for, sacrifices himself for, and feeds the sheep.  In our text for this Sunday, 2 Samuel 5, David is made king because he demonstrates a shepherd’s heart for the people.  We can meditate on one of his most loved Psalms that begins with “The Lord is my shepherd.”  Then Jesus gives us hard-hitting teaching on being a shepherd of God’s people in John 10.  The contrast in John 10 is between the enemy that seeks to “steal and kill and destroy,” and God’s shepherd that seeks abundant life for the flock.

Leadership in the Kingdom of God is on many levels, including responsivities we take u in the church, as parents in the home, as supervisors on the job, of even the shepherd of you own soul.  In all these to be a successful leader, the qualities that God is looking for is that of a shepherd that feeds, tends, and protects the lambs of the fold.  Sometimes we call this “Servant-Leadership.”

“Do you love me?”  If our answer is yes, then our actions must be to “feed my lambs.”  Who are you tending to in the service of God?  What flock have you been placed in to care for those that are vulnerable?  How well do you feed Christ’s sheep?

Pastor Greg

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Twinsburg First Congregational Church