Just Ignore the Owner’s Manual

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart to revere your name.
Psalm 86:11

How foolish would it be to buy a new car, but then just toss out the Owner’s Manual?  Then when the light comes on the dashboard, just think it is a nice color or a cute picture.  We would call that practice foolish.

The Bible has been compared to an owner’s manual.  Not that it’s full of maintenance schedules, but that it is our Maker’s guide to us for living.  How often do we encounter a problem, but not seek the Lord’s answers to it?  How often do we simply ignore the warning lights of life, thinking it will get better sooner or later?  That is often how we treat the direction given to us by God in the Word of God.  The oil can symbol on the car is not a genie’s lamp for us to rub and get three wishes.  It is a signal that we have a problem and must follow the prescribed solution given by the manufacturer.  You may get the oil light to go off by putting water into the oil reserve, but the engine will not go much longer.

In Proverbs the admonition that there is a way that seems right to us, but the end of that way is the way of death (Prov 14:12; 16:25.)  That is the bottom line this week, are we going to do it God’s way, with God’s wisdom, and God’s righteousness; or we going to do it our way, that often does not end up very well? 

Pastor Greg

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Twinsburg First Congregational Church