The Big Question and Light Pollution

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?
Psalm 8:3-4 (ESV)

When my family moved from Seven Hills near I-480 to Hudson 22 years ago, I noticed that I could see the stars much more clearly.  But over the years with the development of industrial areas of my city, I have noticed that the stars are not as visible as they were before.  It’s called “light pollution” and keeps us from seeing the stars and planets as clearly as before.

I think that is what is going on with the rest of our lives.  The pollution of noise, media voices, the hub-bub of living has kept us from looking at creation and asking the big questions.  As the handiwork of God is being obscured by the overcrowded environment, we are challenged with our place in God’s creation, our relationship to God’s creation, and our relationship to our Creator.  

The Psalmist literally asks, “Who am I that you think about me?”  But then, we crowd our lives with the pollution of this world and we don’t consider our relationship with our Creator.

I read a nice article from; where the author began; “Many have a big problem conceiving God, but God does not have a problem defining man. Nowhere in the realm of intelligent, conclusive conceptions, not in religion, not in philosophy, and certainly not in science, is there a wholly acceptable and compelling definition of Almighty God.”  

What does our Creator think about us, especially as individuals?  How do we relate to our Creator and God’s standards of justice, righteousness, and morality?  These are the big questions behind the struggle we read of the women and men in Scripture.  These same big questions we wrestle with today.  But it takes us pushing all the garbage aside to give us time to think about the answers.

Pastor Greg

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Twinsburg First Congregational Church