The “Now What?” of Ministry

It is so easy to slip into a project-oriented mindset when it comes to ministry.  We have seen recently how the diligent work and planning of our members resulted in security improvement on the downstairs entries, the renovated sign in front of the church, and attractive banners welcoming our neighbors.  Yet, there is the challenge of “Now What?”  Of course, there are other projects needed.  But the projects are to prepare for ministry.

We cannot allow the physical plant of our church to become the ministry of our church.  The “now what” seems to be pointing to our ministry of hospitality.  Hospitality is not just a warm cup of coffee and fresh baked sweet roll; it is the preparation of our ministry to show that we are ready for you to be with us. 

Think about this quote:  “In a world that seems increasingly inhospitable, the church has an opportunity to re-imagine hospitality and foster a welcoming and grace-filled witness to our communities, the nation, and the world, as we offer hope, love, and life to those around us.  This may be the most vital and life-giving offering the church can give today— hospitality to those whom the world denies hospitality.”

Hospitality doesn’t just happen.  It must be intentional.  So, the “now what?” could be:  “Are we intentional in the welcome we show others?”

Pastor Greg

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during the winter months on TV Channels 3, 5 and 8.

Twinsburg First Congregational Church